вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Be careful up there:

Student 1: "I was in the Trendy Bar last Saturday. You know, the bar a few doors up from the Glenferrie? No? Anyway, I was up on the roof, in the open air part where the smokers go, sitting at one of the tables with my girlfriend and a mate when I felt a bit itchy in the arse. I wiggled, but that didn't make any difference, so I reached around for a scratch, and fvck me if there wasn't a piece of glass stuck in my date. Big fvcken bit, about three inches. It had gone right through the new Calvin Klein jeans my cheese had bought me for my birthday, right through my undies, and sliced me another crack. Fvcken blood everywhere. My mum reckons she can fix the jeans, but I chucked the boxers out. Big fvcken piece of glass. Right in me arse. Didn't even notice it had cut me. Fvck."

Student 2: "Yeah, really. Same thing happened to me about a month ago. Six stitches."

There followed an interesting conversation on arse related injuries. I suppose, when you think about it, with all the people going to all the bars in Straya, there must be a lot of people sitting on broken glass.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Had a good weekend.� Yesterday went to W, G and Japos;s baby shower.� Ton of food, friends and family.� Made a variant on the classic Death by Chocolate Trifle, added cranberry sauce.� Yum� Also ran into a couple of friends that I hadnapos;t seen in over 10 years since I started volunteering with dragon boat.

Wen to Forbidden City for dim sum today, to celebrate Sapos;s birthday.� It was a suprise.� About 12 showed up, babies included.� J said that it was better then the restaurant we went to in SF.� Really?� It was pretty good.

In the afternoon a few off us went to retrieve, clean and put the dragon boat into storage for the winter.� It was fun Iapos;d never launched or put away the boat in all the years with my current team.� My last paddle on the reservoir for the year, but definitely not my last paddle of the year� We went to Higher Ground for drinks and snacks after.� I was still full from lunch so I didnapos;t snack.� After we dispersed, a couple of us checked out Muku Noodle House.� Since I found it on Chowhound last night Iapos;ve been eager to try it.� Although it had a limited menu selection, it didnapos;t disappoint.� I enjoyed the rich pork broth.� The noodles were nice and chewy, not soft and overdone.� I love ramen.� The octopus croquettes were quite interesting.� The place is owned by the owners of Globefish next door. Obviously the place hasnapos;t been discovered yet (Opened Oct 1) as there were empty tables.

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before land party time

...but it is hard to have him living in my house for 2 weeks.

hyper-vigilant recovering alcoholic, peanut-butter and folgerapos;s coffee fanatic who leaves all of his technological equipment out for little hands on the dining room table, whose nose and ears no longer work so he canapos;t hear my children talking to him or smell their poopy diapers.

(We donapos;t feel comfortable asking him to "babysit" anymore because heapos;s just kinda kid-dense).

So, in short, itapos;s like having someone else around that I have to watch and plice their behavior all day... And I do enough of that as it is.

But I love him. Heapos;s good people.

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bebe siete horas lyrics

My Dad attended a funeral this morning.
I really did not know the gentleman who died in any depth more than passing but I am grieved for his family and those who loved him.

I found this poem in the order of his service.
It is lovely and moving.
I love this line most of all;
�� And when you need me, put your arms around anyone
� � and give them what you need to give me.

I wonder who wrote it...

Give what is left of me away now that I am gone.
Remember me with a smile, and if you need to cry,
cry for your sisters and brothers and friends who walk in grief beside you.
And when you need me, put your arms around anyone
and give them what you need to give me.

I want to leave you something, something better than words or sounds;
Look for me in the people I have known and loved.
Let me live in your eyes as well as in your mind.
You can love me most by letting love live within the circle of your arms,
Embracing those who need you.
Love doesnapos;t die, people do; so when all thatapos;s left is love
Let me go as best you can.

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Ok Iapos;m aware that in the latest issue of shoxx there is details as to how to get the dvd from the concert at the end of last August.

What I�am wondering is what needs to be done to obtain it and if it cannot be done from an American address would someone on this community be able to help me go about getting it. I will pay for the services if money needs to be put out for it.

Thanks a lot ^__^

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Finished the rough draft of my second prospectus and treated myself to a weekend in Paris. Friday night, met up with Pascale and Arthur for a nighttime visit to the Louvre. It started out very highbrow, with us admiring the Fragonards and the Delacroix, and degenerated into snorting and multilingual boob jokes. It was awesome. Then we headed for Chinese takeout and to a party in the 14th arrondissement. Martin, who was an exceptional host, had studied in the US for a year and a half and told me he was missing Beef Jerky. I could only tease him about that. The evening continued, with libations and wry jokes flowing freely.

Saturday we visited some of the hotspots from Am�lie (yeah Iapos;m a sucker for that movie and usually show it to my students every year). The day turned into fl�nerie extraordinaire, with us wandering from district to district, following the sights and sounds. We ended up at a protest rally for immigrantsapos; right in the Place de la R�publique. Pascale then treated me to a delicious Moroccan dinner at a tiny restaurant off of Rue de la Huchette, which is in an incredibly wonderful, funky part of town (Le Quartier Latin). We caught a late showing of Ionescoapos;s "Rhinoc�rous" at the Th�tre de la Huchette, where theyapos;ve been showing Ionescoapos;s plays nonstop since the 1950s. After that, I turned down an offer of vodka shots and male strippers and opted to get a good night sleep as I was pretty rough from the night before (yup, I know--Iapos;m getting old). Today I meandered around Montmarte, pausing by the Sexodrome. Cause_catyljan and I have decided to form a band, with that being our first gig. Took the evening TGV back and got to watch Todd prepare red beans and rice and Squeegie smack the dog via webcam.

Things have been pretty good, all in all.

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battle of marathon children

I just made these muffins and they are yummy and ridiculously easy to make

1 box spice cake mix
1 15oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)**
4 egg whites or 1/2 cup egg substitute
2 Tablespoons water
Allspice-add to taste (I used pumpkin pie spice).

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until creamy. Fill muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-23 minutes.

**(Next time Iapos;ll put more pumpkin pie spice in them or maybe use pumpkin pie mix rather than packed pumpkin)

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Been slack today.
Did the usuals, came home, switched on the air con and fell asleep.
Didnapos;t touch any books at all.
Guess Iapos;ll start again tomorrow yah.

Looking down the road Iapos;ve made many acquaintances but few friends.
Out of the few friends, we live extremely different lives, sometimes only brought together when the holidays are around.
I wonder if weapos;ll still keep in contact when I enter the hellhole called army?
I hope we do.

Nothing much to talk about.
Going off to mess around a little in photoshop and download some new songs into my phone.
Sooth the soul yo.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So, Iapos;m a great boyfriend. I use my SECOND�post of the day to mention that itapos;s me and Kellyapos;s two year anniversary. Sheapos;s still in Hawaii, so weapos;re not doing anything today (or probably until next weekend, or possibly later), but thereapos;s that. JEEZ�TWO�YEARS�HOW LONG�CAN�THIS�CRAP�GO�ON�FOR�AMIRITE? LOLOLOLOL ZOMG111ELEVEN

Also, is anyone else going to the Letters to Cleo reunion show, the second night? Or, is anyone going to Johnathan Coulton in November at the Paradise, because Iapos;m thinking about going to that one (even though his popularity on the internet annoys me a little, but thereapos;s no denying the humor in his stuff, like the headline for this post).
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