среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Hey, i decided to create an lj cox i know there is quite a number of stalkers�reading my blogspot, which i feel totally uncomfortable with. Aish. This site is for only thoughts, no pictures pls. Unless the pictures i took shows yasierapos;s face ;)

mmm. Anyway, today, we received our results. Best i must say, but i know i can improve further. I really had ALOT�ALOT hentuo hentuo many many byk byk careless mistakes gosh the thot of it makes me real mad i tell you agh i wasted alot of marks seyarghshit :(

for the first time, i am happy with my malay results really for the first time :) i am really happy, really. Very. Ecstatic. Thankyou god :) neverthelss, i still dislike that subject. I find it really difficult. Betol :( o level, i really dunno how. I find it hard to score distinction for malay. And for overall i got 74 wtfonemoremarkshitbetol see,� told ya its difficult. Aish sadded la. Same fate like my brotha. Geez.

emaths.. Haiya v kecewa. Really. I got exactly 75. This. Is. Really. Disappointing. I knew i cud do better f sey no time to finish the paper. Actually i shouldapos;ve gotten 71.4 but miss tan added 5 marks for everyone cox of qn that came out which we were nvr taught to do at all. Thus i got a1 instead of a2. Luck sey AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Maths olympiad like this ah? haiyahiayahaieuanjshjkcv:(

english. Haha fo the first time i pass have never passed compre before, except lower sec la bacin.

what else? oh yes bio. God this is the worst 10.5/30. This is only sect b you know? hahaha. Bio no hope sey, but idk why iapos;m still determined to do well fo it. Shrugs..

chemistry<3 yay i love that subject ok. 82.5 yay quite a number of mistakes also, otherwise, cudapos;ve done better aish wasted la huh. Neh mind i still love chem :) yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

yay thats all. Left with amaths. Paper 1 i have confidence but paper 2 die distinction gone la :( mmmm.

k thats all. I dont like you bitch. Speaking of you bitch, i notice i cannt communicate with you anymore, or another you. And another you. How come? idc la. Mmm i cant wait to graduate actually. You know, i dont have to go to school w them anymore, walking like im an invisible shit and then ask why walk alone? or ask why jalan belakang? and then when i answer you say loyar buruk. Wtf ko ah yang loyar burok. But aft i read a poly studentapos;s blog, she says its stressing. Aish. Lifeapos;s like that.. Idk. Idk if iapos;m making the right choice.

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